Saturday, June 8, 2019

BREAST CANCER RESEARCH RIGHT NOW! #67: The “Seeds to Soil” Search…

From the first moment my wife discovered she had breast cancer, there was a deafening silence from the men I know. Even ones whose wives, mothers or girlfriends had breast cancer seemed to have received a gag order from some Central Cancer Command and did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I started this blog…

Every month, I’ll be highlighting breast cancer research that is going on RIGHT NOW! Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today:

“The concept of cancer metastasis has long been supported by the ‘seed and soil’ proposal, in which it is theorized that cancer cells (seeds) are dependent upon the tissue of organs (soil) to thrive in sites beyond their point of origin. This hypothesis laid the foundation for why cancer metastases are more common in certain organs over others, such as the lungs, lymph nodes, bones or liver. The idea is that these organs offer a more fertile environment for cancer cell growth.”

I SO get that, it’s a relatively easy image to get into the  head regarding how BREAST cancer ends up in places like the lymph nodes, lungs, bones, liver, and other organs – essentially the cancer cells break off from the main mass in the breast, float through the blood and land in whatever fertile soil there is in the body.

Sort of like dandelion seeds…not only that, though.

At Virginia Commonwealth University, a team of doctors have discovered USING MOUSE CELLS (please note, this is nowhere near the testing-in-Humans stage!) that breast cancer cells adrift in the body and landing in a different organ, change themselves as well as the cells of the organ they land in.

However, this isn’t a simple process. It’s not easily treated because it doesn’t appear that the cells of the cancer and the organ being attacked change in the same WAY: “‘Multiple pathways within the cancer cells, and potentially within the host organ as well, may need to be targeted to inhibit the growth of metastases,’ Harrell said. ‘Our ongoing efforts are aimed at identifying synergistic combinations of drugs that inhibit the SRC pathway and other pathways that promote metastasis.’”

Some background will help here – this particular effect, called “seed and soil” has been observed before and researchers have tried to target the cells with drugs, effectively killing them…and then having the cancer come back.

As whose who have experienced the breast cancer “spook house ride”, we know that the spectre of breast cancer never vanishes entirely, sometimes rearing its ugly head unexpectedly (

So we’re not talking cure here – but we ARE talking about making headway in the analysis of WHY breast cancer cells hang around, HOW they hang around, and eventually discovering a way to TREAT those cowardly so-and-sos….

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