Sunday, March 24, 2024


From the first moment I discovered I had been diagnosed with DIABETES, I joined a HUGE “club” that has been rapidly expanding since it stopped being a death sentence in the early 20th Century. Currently, there are about HALF A BILLION PEOPLE who have Type 2 Diabetes. For the past 3500 years – dating back to Ancient Egypt – people have suffered from diabetes. Well, I’m one of them now… Not one to shut up for any known reason, I added a section to this blog…

Every month, I’ll be highlighting Diabetes research that is going on RIGHT NOW! Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today: “Diabetics’ damaged cells regenerated to produce insulin”…

In a development that is straight out of a science fiction movie (if you DON’T know, I write science fiction. Once of my first stories was about a treatment for Alzheimer’s based on research that was current when the story was published 24 years ago. (Nothing has come of it yet, but world-wide, research into Alzheimer’s is growing more and more active.) If you’re interested, the story is reproduced on my website here:

This is another one of those VERY, VERY, VERY EARLY kinds of research directions. It’s something I’ve wondered about, and now I’m seeing that others – people who can actually DO something about it – are making strides.

The concept, as I noted above, has to do with regeneration damaged cells in the pancreas that either don’t produce enough insulin, produce it at the wrong time, or as in Type 1 diabetes, it stops producing ANY insulin.

In Type 1 diabetes, “Pancreatic beta-cells make, store, and release insulin. But, in Type 1, a person’s own immune system, instead of protecting the pancreas from disease, ATTACKS it, destroying these beta-cells over time, leading to a lifelong dependence on self-injected insulin or an external insulin pump in order to live.”

Type 2 diabetes, of course, is different. If we miss our pills or forget our Ozempic, we’re not going to die immediately. Type 1, which you probably know, IS that serious.

The research in this article is about REGROWING YOUR OWN CELLS back in the pancreas so that your own body starts to make the right amount of insulin and makes sure it gets to where it needs to go!

“Researchers at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, have brought us a step closer to making [regeneration] a reality, regenerating damaged pancreatic cells so they can produce insulin and functionally respond to blood glucose levels.” Remember – RIGHT NOW, this is ONLY for people who have Type 1 diabetes – the kids, like my friend Greg – whose pancreas stopped producing insulin when he was just a kid.”
SO, what is pancreatic regeneration? The CAUSE of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is that something happens to the cells in the pancreas that MAKE insulin. In Type 1, the cells totally shut down. The (kid usually) gets NO insulin from the pancreas – before 1921 and the launching of an effort to cure diabetes, if you were diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor would shake your hand, and if you were an adult, they’d say, “I’m sorry, Guy. See to it that you get your affairs in order now. You may not have much time left on this good Earth.”

For kids? In 1921, they probably didn’t say anything to the kid. They just told the parents that their kid would be dying some time in the next year or so and to get ready for it. Of course, kids OFTEN died of things we don’t worry about anymore: “polio, measles, smallpox, whooping cough, diarrhea (yeah, you read that right – here. In the US. It’s still a deadly condition all over Africa, South America, and in any other country where they don’t have the medical resources we do…), as well as pneumonia, the flu, and tuberculosis…children under 5 accounted for 40 percent of all deaths from these infections.”

So here was the conclusion of the study linked below: “Recent insights have shown that pancreatic cells establish continuous and close crosstalk by sharing regulatory pathways, molecules and signals, suggesting that the exocrine and endocrine organs cannot be considered separately. In this scenario, looking at the overall pancreas rather than focusing on a single cell type may be a successful choice to finding the right path to regenerate β-cells, and a cure for type 2 diabetes.”

English? This: “The healthy cells in your pancreas constant and close communication with each other. They don’t ‘talk’ with tiny cell mouths – they use chemicals that they make to ‘tell’ other cells what’s going on in the pancreas. For some time, scientists believed that the outer parts of the pancreas and the inner parts were totally separate. But recent research suggests that the pancreas ONLY HAS ONE SYSTEM.” This study has started to look at how the entire pancreas works together – and they theorize that something has gone wrong with how the cells communicate with each other.”

EVERYTHING in your body communicates. There are several kinds of muscles in your heart that work together to keep it pumping. The study theorizes that if we could figure out what’s going wrong with the cell communication, we could devise a way to correct that – and the pancreas would begin to make the right amount of insulin again – either TOTALLY like in Type 1; or PARTIALLY like in my Type 2! In this study, “…researchers…looked at the ability of two drugs normally used to treat rare forms of cancer. They wanted to measure how much the drug would ‘turn the pancreas cells back on, healing what had been damaged.’ After 48 hours of stimulation with the drugs, the reprogrammed cells produced and secreted insulin at the right time.”

So…there’s HOPE here! Not tomorrow; not next year; but they’ve made a breakthrough – and they know WHAT to do now.

article quoted above (August 2023)
Youtube showing the procedure above:

Sunday, March 10, 2024

GGTA, POSSIBLY IRRITATING ESSAYS: TYPE 2 DIABETES #20: From “Obese” To A Beast…The Myth of Ozempic Curing FATNESS

For the first time since I started this blog eleven years ago, it’s going to be about me. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two weeks ago. While people are happy to talk about their experiences with diabetes, I WASN’T comfortable with talking about diabetes. My wife is Type 2, as are several friends of ours. The “other Type” of diabetes was what caused the death of my Best Man a year after my wife and I got married. He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was a kid. It was called Juvenile Diabetes then. Today it’s Type 1. Since then, I haven’t WANTED to talk about diabetes at all. But…for my own education and maybe helping someone else, and not one to shut up for any known reason, I’m reopening my blog rather than starting a new one. I MAY take a pause and write about Breast Cancer or Alzheimer’s as medical headlines dictate; but this time I’m going to drag anyone along who wants to join my HIGHLY RELUCTANT journey toward better understanding of my life with Type 2 Diabetes. You’re Welcome to join me!

America is the land of “do it for me, I don’t feel like it”.

The “Ozempic Crisis” is an horrific case to point.

“You’re just being mean!!!!!!!” you might wail. I’d say that there are a couple other people beside me that feel the same way. Just GOOGLE, “Lazy Fat People Driving Ozempic Crisis”, or if you want to spare the feelings of lazy fat people, you can GOOGLE, “Ozempic Crisis”.

Before you try to GOOGLE me to discover how unfair I’m being – and that as a skinny person, I couldn’t POSSIBLY understand how awful being overweight is and how WONDERFUL the “new diet drug…I mean…the new Type 2 diabetes drug treatment” is. I’ll just say right here, I AM a lazy fat person looking for ANY excuse to try something that will let me eat a dozen chocolate eclairs, or old-fashioned glazed donuts, or a FAMILY SIZE package of Oreo cookies, or two dozen breadsticks at OLIVE GARDEN…let me say it again:

“I’m a lazy fat people.” I would just as soon lay around the house eating all day long (“...and I mean lay AROUND the house!”) than cut my donut intake from a dozen to half-a-dozen; or my Two Big Macs and two large orders of fries and a Coke; to ONE Big Mac, a medium fry, and a DIET Coke…If I could eat whatever I want to, whenever I want to, and then take a shot that would make me lose weight instead of gain weight – I’d do it in a split second!

If Type 2 diabetics suffered because the Ozempic supply has dwindled, making it hard to get – so? You shriek, “They’re using Ozempic and losing weight just because they’ve been eating as much as I have and have some kind of fake disease! I mean, it’s not like they’re gonna DIE just because they can’t take their Ozempic!!! Why should they just get to take a shot and lose weight and people used to tell me that I CAN'T?”

Doctors who have prescribed and still prescribe Ozempic for weight loss are the FIRST LINE of people who sparked the rush on the drug. But the rest is on US. Friends told friends who asked their doctors…then asked again…then begged them…then WEPT AND BEGGED THEM SOME MORE…

Until there’s not enough Ozempic – clinically known as semaglutide – it was originally prescribed to Type 2 diabetics alone.

The word got out (not factual words, just THE EDITED WORD) Of course, as with ALL miraculous drugs, there are NO SIDE-EFFECTS! It’s a true miracle!

Hmmm…as with nearly all miracles, when you look closely you discover that it’s not a miracle at all, but equal parts selective hearing/seeing and blind stubbornness.

The problems with semaglutide were always there: “Possible side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, headache, fatigue, indigestion/heartburn, dizziness, abdominal distension, belching, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) in people with type 2 diabetes, flatulence, gastroenteritis, and acid reflux. It can also cause pancreatitis, gastroparesis, and bowel obstruction.” Those were all discovered in the original trials.

Despite the warning signs, lazy fat people like me continued to beg their doctors to give them OZEMPIC THE WONDER DRUG!!!!! And the doctors did.

So, why do people who have a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes deserve to have semaglutide?

Because Type 2 diabetes is a disease; fatness is a choice – or more accurately, a long series of bad choices. Admit it – you know lots of fat people whose doctors have NOT detected Type 2 diabetes in them. They’re perfectly NOT SICK, even though they weight 700 pounds.

“Say, WHAT!?!?!?!?!”

Yep. Type 2 diabetes is an illness NOT caused by being a sugar pig when you were 20 years old. It’s NOT caused by me eating too many candy bars. I know, that’s not what YOU were told!!!! The weird thing is, YOU WERE TOLD WRONG.

Here’s the SCIENCE definition of Type 2 diabetes: “Type 2 diabetes happens because of a problem in the way the body regulates and uses sugar as a fuel. This long-term condition results in too much sugar circulating in the blood. Eventually, these high blood sugar levels can lead to disorders of the heart, veins, and arteries; trouble with the nerves; and the body’s ability to fight disease.” [Remember COVID-19? “Diabetes (is) significantly associated with the death of COVID-19 patients in all of the published…analyses. Therefore, COVID-19 patients with diabetes…need much more monitoring to reduce deaths.”]

“In type 2 diabetes, there are two big problems. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin AND cells respond poorly to insulin and take in less sugar. There's no cure for type 2 diabetes. Losing weight, eating well and exercising can help manage the disease. If diet and exercise aren't enough to control blood sugar, diabetes medications or insulin therapy may be recommended.”

So…people with Type 2 diabetes – which is as much a disease as COVID19 
actually NEED semaglutide TO SURVIVE. (Remember that pandemic thing? No? Just because you don’t remember it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! Another example is that just because you never heard Taylor Swift back in 2006, doesn’t mean she isn’t a SUPERSTAR today.) 

You and me being fat slobs doesn’t mean we need to get a prescription to inject away our fat because we’re too lazy to exercise and force our hand down from stuffing our sixteenth chocolate donut into our mouth so we can scurry into the bathroom and shoot ourselves up with semaglutide to get skinny. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that a person's food choices didn't CAUSE. It's a disease.

Besides, the articles below are pretty much in agreement – Ozempic won’t change our lives. It’ll lead right back to where every other diet has led us all along: saying no to eating that second dozen donuts in the past three days and not looking for a magic sure for our self-indulgence.

Other sources: