Sunday, March 27, 2022

BREAST CANCER RESEARCH RIGHT NOW! #82: Radical increase in the effectiveness of breast cancer immunotherapy!

From the first moment my wife discovered she had breast cancer, there was a deafening silence from the men I know. Even ones whose wives, mothers or girlfriends had breast cancer seemed to have received a gag order from some Central Cancer Command and did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I started this blog…

Every month, I’ll be highlighting breast cancer research that is going on RIGHT NOW! Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today: How a new treatment might make triple-negative breast cancer cells vulnerable to immune therapy.

First of all, what IS immunotherapy? “Cancer immunotherapy is a form of cancer treatment that uses the power of the body’s own immune system to prevent, control, and eliminate cancer.”

The immune system of your body is what fights against infections. There are a bunch of cells in it that fight against infections. White blood cells (aka wbc’s) are the ones you usually hear about. If you are sick, a doctor may order a white cell count. When there are high numbers, then you have some sort of infections. The main organs of the immune system is called the lymph system. There’s NO lymph “heart”, instead, you just moving around pushes the lymph around her bodies.

The nodes and cells in the lymph system are full of different kinds of “immunoglobulin”, which is abbreviated “Ig”. There are a WHOLE BUNCH of kinds of Ig that are labeled just by a letter of the alphabet. Each kind does something different. For example, IgG is the major immunoglobulin class in the body and is found in the blood stream and in body tissues, like muscles, heart, brain, and many other places – including the breasts.

So, the immunoglobulins recognize a virus or germ as foreign, attaches to it and sets off a chain of events that bring together many other parts of the immune system that then work together to destroy the germ.

The wbc’s that help the immunoglobulins are gathered in what are called “lymph nodes”. You find them alongside all of your joints, especially in your neck “I have swollen glands! I must be sick!), armpits, and groin – but also your inside elbow and knee joints, wrists, and ankles. That’s because that’s where you move and that pushes the lymph around your body.

Anyone who has had breast cancer surgery that has progressed to Stage 2 or higher, may have had lymph nodes surgically removed.

All right, now you’re up to speed.

The most aggressive types of tumors are what cause “triple-negative breast cancer”. The worst part about this kind of BC is that even though only 15% of cases are triple-negative, it’s one of the most rapidly growing and it affects younger patients. The problem has been all along, that breast cancer (and ANY kind of cancer) cells “hide” from the immune systems by messing with the outside of the cancer cells. In this work, researchers found that tumor stem cells are the main cause of immunotherapy resistance and THAT’S because these cells are invisible to the immune system, making immunotherapy ineffective.

Their “cloaking device” is a chemical called the LCOR factor. The cancer cell doesn’t produce enough of the LCOR factor for the immunoglobulins and the other lymph system cells to SEE them. And if they can’t SEE them, then there’s no way to kill something that’s in stealth mode because our chemotherapy can’t see cancer cells to kill them.

If our own, natural immune system can’t see them, then the chemotherapy drugs can’t see them to kill them, either.

While this isn’t a TREATMENT yet, the researchers, inspired by the technology used in the design of the vaccines that are taming COVID-19 are using a similar strategy to transport and deliver LCOR genes into tumor cells, in super tiny bag-like structures. These bags carry this LCOR gene as a message to the cell (the “message is called RNA). The cell takes the information and were shown to do so successfully. Once it gets into the cell, it triggers the RIGHT function, the cancer cell makes “too much” LCOR, and stands out like a neon green spray-painted beach ball – and the immunoglobulins and all the other germ-death cells attack. This would be one of the many treatments for preventing, managing, or treating different cancers and it would probably be used along with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or targeted therapies to improve their effectiveness.

Remember, this isn’t a TREATMENT…yet…but it IS a promise!


Sunday, March 20, 2022

ENCORE #179! – The Post Cancer Crash

From the first moment my wife discovered she had breast cancer in March of 2011, there was a deafening silence from the men I knew. Even ones whose wives, mothers or girlfriends had breast cancer seemed to have received a gag order from some Central Cancer Command and did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I started this blog…That was four years ago – as time passed, people searching for answers stumbled across my blog and checked out what I had to say. The following entry first appeared in June of 2012…

Right after the literal and economic “boom” of WWI, came the Roaring Twenties. Life was good, coming together as Americans during The War Against The Kaiser had been followed by the heady rush of becoming a World Power, and it looked like the future was going to be bright, indeed.

Right after WWII came the Fabulous Fifties when America could do no wrong and we invented everything from hula hoops to the H-bomb and Elvis Presley.

The Great Depression came crashing down on the heels of the Roaring Twenties and the Fabulous Fifties were followed by the riots and assassinations of the Tumultuous Sixties.

For me, the bravery, positive outlook, and grand support of the Diagnosis, Surgery and Treatment year has come crashing down around my ears as the Post-Cancer Crash. Chemo is done, regular “How’s your wife doing this week?”s have dwindled to the occasional, off-hand query usually briefly answered.

My pink shoelaces are tattered and my wristband is dirty and faded. I am, quite frankly, left feeling depressed. No one’s fault but my own as there appears to be no more battle to fight. There’s no more heart-stopping terror to overcome. And really? My wife is alive and hasn’t felt better in YEARS!

So what’s up with me? I should be dancing on streets of gold, lolling about in Paradise, praising God from the rooftops, the skyscraper tops. Instead, I’m feeling quietly contemplative and a bit sad.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-9 talks about the fact that there are times in a person’s life that are given over to various things. Perhaps the past year was “a time to kill (cancer) silent...war (on cancer)...hate (cancer)”.

In the same way – and in a NOT BAD way, perhaps now is “a time to up…a time for peace.” Perhaps now is the time to start growing again as well.

Perhaps now is a time to come back to life again. Perhaps now is “a time to throw away” the bitterness, anger and fear I’ve lived with for the past 18 months.

Take a deep breath. Hold it. Now release. Repeat.

There’s a faint smile on my face right now, so this must be the right thing to do...


Sunday, March 13, 2022


From the first moment my
wife discovered she had breast cancer, there was a deafening silence from the men I know. Even ones whose wives, mothers or girlfriends had breast cancer seemed to have received a gag order from some Central Cancer Command and did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I started this blog…

From the first moment I discovered my dad had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it seemed like I was alone in this ugly place. Even ones who had loved ones suffering in this way; even though people TALKED about the disease, it felt for me like they did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I added a section to this blog…

The immediate crisis that was Breast Cancer and Alzheimer’s have passed. There are, however ancillary issues like testing and treatments that may not be directly related to BC or A but intersect with them. Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today: Removing the reconstructive breast implants.

From shortly after she healed from the surgery that had placed implants in her chest to mimic the real breasts that had been removed during a radical mastectomy and chemotherapy to right wife was in pain.

Not from the surgery, though that was rough, but from the implants themselves. Healthline suggests that there are reasons for the discomfort: “Although breast implants don’t expire, they have a limited life span. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states implants should be removed or exchanged every 10 to 15 years…breast implants may need to be removed or replaced is because scar tissue can harden around the implants…[and] cause pain and discomfort…” My wife had the initial mastectomy on April 3, 2011; the breast replacements/gel implants were placed on October 13, 2013. A bit short of the “10-year warranty”, she’s thrilled that the process is once again moving forward (COVID-19 delayed her by two years).

It all seems pretty straightforward, but there appear to be other issues to consider, such as the “tissue capsule”: “Removal of the implant and tissue capsule. This part of the procedure depends on your implant issues or surgery goals. Over time, scar tissue naturally develops around an implant, creating a tissue capsule. Some surgeons will only remove the implant and leave the tissue capsule. Others will remove the capsule — a more time consuming procedure — or a portion of the capsule.”

What exactly IS a “tissue capsule”? “…fibrous scar tissue forms around [the implant], creating a sort of ‘bag’ that holds the implant. The body forms a protective capsule like this around any object it recognizes as foreign. The tissue capsule is usually soft or slightly firm, not noticeable, and helps to keep the implant in place.” This is removed along with the intentionally deflated plastic bag that held the gel that gave the implants the rounded, "more-or-less" breast-shape.

So, once they implants are removed? Healing (obviously), and then, just like we’ve done all along these past eleven years – my wife will deal and I will be there beside her, supporting her in whatever way I can.

Oh…and once again blogging the Guys Gotta Talk About Breast Cancer.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

COVID-19 and Me!


I tested hit by the symptoms...taking an investigative drug to shorten my stay with COVID-19 and keep me from getting serious symptoms. Recovering. Tired. This is about all I can write.

See you next week.