Sunday, July 16, 2023


From the first moment I discovered I had been diagnosed with DIABETES, I joined a HUGE “club” that has been rapidly expanding since it stopped being a death sentence in the early 20th Century. Currently, there are about HALF A BILLION PEOPLE who have Type 2 Diabetes. For the past 3500 years – dating back to Ancient Egypt – people have suffered from diabetes. Well, I’m one of them now… Not one to shut up for any known reason, I added a section to this blog…

Every month, I’ll be highlighting Diabetes research that is going on RIGHT NOW! Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today: STARTING with a 2014 article, “Diabetes – Will it Ever be cured?”; I check up on the various therapies mentioned…

1) “researchers have found evidence that beta cells do not burn out and die as previously thought, but instead revert to more primitive cells or ones with altered function, leading some scientists to believe that if they can prevent this dedifferentiation or somehow push dedifferentiated cells to turn back into beta cells, they could prevent or cure type 2 diabetes.”

June 26, 2023: “A proof-of-concept study demonstrates that ductal cells derived from the human pancreas can be influenced by pharmacological stimulation to regenerate beta-like cells that functionally release insulin, providing new hope for people living with diabetes.” ( CLEARLY, the research is still in its infancy, BUT, what was simply hopeful thoughts is now moving into hopeful research. While this is also primarily a response to Type 1 diabetes, future investigation may yield a cure for Type 2.

2) “At Columbia University in New York, a team led by Domenico Accili, MD, professor of medicine, has made several discoveries about FOXO1, a protein that controls when genes are switched on or off.

“In research published in the March 11, 2012, Nature Genetics, the team found that deactivating FOXO1 in progenitor cells in the small intestines of newborn mice resulted in the cells becoming insulin-producing cells. In follow-up research published in the June 30, 2014, Nature Communications, Accili’s team conducted similar experiments in human intestinal cells derived from stem cells. Within seven days of FOXO1 deactivation, the cells began to produce insulin in response to glucose.”

While current research is looking specifically at cancer, “Therefore gaining a deeper understanding of FOXO family regulation, in addition to providing targeting opportunities for the development of novel therapies, may reveal robust FOXO-related pharmacological/prognostic biomarkers to enhance the clinical management and survival prospects of patients.” DE-activating this molecule appears to result in the reduction in cancer growth: “Several studies suggest that genetic variation in the FoxO1 gene is a predisposing factor for type 2 diabetes (T2D) or DKD [Diabetic Kidney Disease] in humans, revealing that FoxO1 may be involved in the initiation and development of DKD in patients with T2D, which provides new insight into the etiology of DKD.” (

3) “Another team, led by Rohit N. Kulkarni, MD, PhD, principal investigator at Joslin and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, published a paper in the January 2014, Diabetes in which they identified immune cells in mice that had minimal effects on destroying beta cells in type 1 and instead actually promoted their growth.

“King says that this research could be just as important for type 2 as type 1. “Even if we can’t get rid of the insulin resistance in type 2, we might be able to generate enough beta cells to overcome the insulin resistance and get rid of diabetes,” he says.”

Today, again in reference to Type 1 diabetes: “However, molecular spikes have significantly improved single cell mRNA accounting, adoption of the molecular spike method and further improvements may help address the above issues. As such, genuine SC-β cells will eventually become available as donor cells for establishing curative therapies for people suffering from T1DM in the not too distant future.”

In English? An RNA spike-in is a short bit of RNA of known sequence and quantity used to calibrate measurements in RNA how well this piece has attached to a section of DNA. Then, a specific amount of this RNA spike-in is mixed with an experiment sample. The amount of the RNA that shows up in the DNA is used to tweak the RNA so that the PANCREAS cells will stimulate the growth of NEW cells to replace the ones destroyed and thereby bring insulin production back to normal. (,

4) “The gist is that we are trying to indirectly tweak T cells, which will help protect the beta cells from destruction,” Tisch says. “Different cytokines can affect different T cells, so the catch is figuring out which ones are the most effective.”

“Although widespread genetic therapies that could cure diabetes are still years away, such innovative research offers hope for the 382 million people across the globe with diabetes.”

This avenue appears to have started bearing fruit, admittedly in dealing with Type 1 – which is, I remind you, ultimately deadly – which Type 2 is NOT in the short run (If you’re interested, ask about my best man…) “Rather than developing new forms of insulin or insulin delivery, targeting immune modulation, or repurposing existing T2D drugs…The beneficial effects of [these new] drugs appear to effect beta-cells [which make insulin]. Beta cells are found in the pancreas…In type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system mistakenly destroys numbers, function, or survival [of the beta cells].”

Again, the trickle down from Type 1 research is certain to reach those of us with Type 2!


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