Sunday, April 21, 2024

GUY’S GOTTA TALK ABOUT…TYPE 2 DIABETES #21: How To Happily Eat Summer – WITHOUT Your Glucose Hitting 600!

For the first time since I started this blog eleven years ago, it’s going to be about me. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two weeks ago. While people are happy to talk about their experiences with diabetes, I WASN’T comfortable with talking about diabetes. My wife is Type 2, as are several friends of ours. The “other Type” of diabetes was what caused the death of my Best Man a year after my wife and I got married. He was diagnosed with diabetes when he was a kid. It was called Juvenile Diabetes then. Today it’s Type 1. Since then, I haven’t WANTED to talk about diabetes at all. But…for my own education and maybe helping someone else, and not one to shut up for any known reason, I’m reopening my blog rather than starting a new one. I MAY take a pause and write about Breast Cancer or Alzheimer’s as medical headlines dictate; but this time I’m going to drag anyone along who wants to join my HIGHLY RELUCTANT journey toward better understanding of my life with Type 2 Diabetes. You’re Welcome to join me!

If you want to read more, just click on the three articles below for great information about ways to have fun WHILE keeping your Type 2 in good standing.

First of all, let me tell you, I am NOT a Poster Old Man for smart Type 2 Diabetes living. Staying away from foods I love is often difficult, and I sometimes just give in and go to DQ anyway. But I haven’t given up entirely. We still try to eat right and avoid certain foods. Friends of our help to keep us on the “straight-and-narrow” by their own personal choices (BUT NOT BY PREACHING!) That’s what I try and do here – I try to share what things that work for me.

One example is exercising. I hate exercise. There, I said it.

HOWEVER, I love riding my bike. I’ve liked biking since my parents bought me a three-speed for a Confirmation gift. That started a habit that’s lasted over half a century. Of course, shortly after my parents got me the three-speed, I got a job and bought a REAL bike: my first “curly-handle ten speed”. I’ve been riding ever since. I even use my bike in the winter. A friend of mine lent me his indoor bike stand. For the past three winters I’ve spent about half an hour every other day pedaling away (in boredom), while waiting for Spring to come; or riding on the trails as long as could into Fall.

During the summer, I rotate five different (and hopefully finally add a sixth – two times!) trails. Their LENGTH isn’t as different as that two of them force me to climb a ramp over a busy highway.

At any rate, the three articles I reference below deal mostly with EATING over the summer months! Boiling down TWO of them (the other is Diabetic-Friendly recipes), give me this lists of things I should either CONTINUE doing or try starting.
If you use insulin, BEWARE: heat makes the insulin absorb into your skin faster; it can also be damaged by high temperatures; also, heat alters the accuracy of your glucose monitors -- and even the test strips. Just be aware of where and how you carry your "gear".

A) Try NOT to sit around at summer parties -- move around, chat with people, even volunteer to bring foods in and out, or bring cans of pop out.

B) Be aware of how fluid Summer-eating times can be! Lunch can easily slide to supper on a hot day, and the evening meal can show up after 10 pm! We don't have the luxury of a stable metabolism that can handle eating a box of Dunkin Donuts after midnight!

C) Don't load up on carbs and sugar after the sun goes down! You might be alarmed at your glucose readings when you check them first thing in the morning like I do!

D) Don't power load on carbs! (This is me reminding myself, I'm sure you have better control than I do!!!)

E) Sit down and eat a plateful rather than grazing the tables and bags of chips and dips and coolers and...well, you know what I mean! I'm going to try next week at my nephew's wedding: HALF the plate is veggies and meats; the other half can be carbs: buns, cakes, cookies, candies. Keep that balance! (I might try (I) as well...)

F) If possible, pick the grilled chicken breast rather than the grilled burger -- oh, and use half a bun instead of the whole thing -- in either case!

G) If you're eating with close family: ASK FOR OPTIONS! They love you (presumably) but as non-Type Twos, they don't THINK OF HAVING TO CHOOSE healthy options! They WANT you to be around to change diapers and go to concerts and basketball games!

H) DON'T SKIP MEALS BEFORE THE BIG BBQ!!!! I try not to do that anymore! Or if I do, I work extra hard to balance the "big meal" like the plate up in E.

I) Grab the nearest loved one you haven't seen for a while and take a survey of the SPREAD with them noting what's there, what's not there, and what you look forward to eating! Being AWARE of our eating is more important than just about ANYTHING we can do to remain healthy while being happy, too!

Lastly, bring a HEALTHY DISH you can share – scan the recipe website below for suggestions. Even the most sugar-addled, carbohydrate magnet young adult might be open to trying something new and tasty (make SURE you test the recipes before you bring them!) The majority won’t even notice if your deviled eggs have egg whites substituting for HALF the usual six yolks; mixed in low-fat mayo; and checking the mustard content – just skip adding the half cup of sawdust most people assume low-carb, low fat foods will taste like!

Lastly, have fun! Take the grandkids to the park at the end of the street; go for a walk about the block after the meal (better yet, BEFORE the meal!)

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