Saturday, December 22, 2018

BREAST CANCER RESEARCH RIGHT NOW! #65: Breast Cancer is Like An Old Movie From My Youth – “A Thief In The Night”…

From the first moment my wife discovered she had breast cancer, there was a deafening silence from the men I know. Even ones whose wives, mothers or girlfriends had breast cancer seemed to have received a gag order from some Central Cancer Command and did little more than mumble about the experience. Not one to shut up for any known reason, I started this blog…

Every month, I’ll be highlighting breast cancer research that is going on RIGHT NOW! Harvested from different websites, journals and podcasts, I’ll translate them into understandable English and share them with you. Today: How breast cancer avoids immune system detection.

“The team broke the data down into different groups and identified seven clusters of breast cancer patients based on the immune evasion mechanisms that breast cancer uses to avoid detection. Some of the types even used a combination of ways to hide from the immune system.”

The idea of breast cancer cells hiding from the body’s immune system brought to mind a movie I saw in the mid-70s called “Thief In The Night”. In it, life was going on fine and dandy for the Christian Church when suddenly, all the Christians disappeared in an even called the Rapture of the Church. At that point, becoming a Christian (the disappearance of their Christian friends made some people realize that what they’d said was TRUE…) but at the cost of their lives (sort of like becoming a Christian in several Muslim countries now).

A Biblical figure called the Anti-Christ appeared – sort of out of nowhere, from whence the title of the movie comes, which was lifted from the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:2 “For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.”

The upshot of this is that breast cancer is NOT like other cancers. It’s sneaky.

It is a thief – I don’t think even the most devout atheist would argue that breast cancer is a thief that steals life, love, peace, and joy. At least at first.

Why were they sifting through the data? Because the majority of breast cancers have proven resistant to immunotherapy – “…also called biologic therapy…a type of cancer treatment that boosts the body's natural defenses to fight cancer. It uses substances made by the body or in a laboratory to improve or restore immune system function. Immunotherapy may work by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells.” It creates a double problem – any cancers that travel from the original breast cancer site and lodge elsewhere causing metastatic cancers – are also untreatable with the newer immunotherapies.

The end result for this team of researchers: “Knowing more about breast cancer tumors and how they work will give oncologists more tools to treat patients, whether it is with yet-to-be developed immunotherapy drugs or the traditional combination of chemotherapy and radiation, researchers said. It may also help researchers design clinical trials for potential drugs…Cancer treatment isn't as personalized as it should be…We've been trying to understand what's really going on with these tumors and how they operate. That way doctors can ultimately better treat their patients.”

If researchers can design new “security systems” in the body to protect it from both breast cancer and for blocking breast cancer cells from invading other parts of the body, then we can better prevent this “life-thief” from stealing more from us.

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